The finale of this series of video posts, my long-awaited directorial followup to The Tree. In this documentary film, we capture incredible footage of a university-roaming cryptid.
Category: Non-Text Posts
Video: “The Tree.”
My live-action directorial debut. I forget what the assignment was, but you know, basic stuff. Establishing shot. Medium shot. Close-up. That kind of thing.
You WILL believe Martijn is in that tree.
Video: “Sequence One”
This was a video collage assignment in class. I’ve got an exemption for this class, but I usually just do the work anyway, just so I’ve got what everyone else is doing front of mind when someone inevitably requests my assistance.
Footage from 2007’s The Tracey Fragments used under a CC BY-NC-SA license.
As a film The Tracey Fragments is notable for three things — for starring a young Elliot Page before he was famous, for its extreme use of splitscreen, and for releasing all of its footage online under a Creative Commons license. It’s not a particularly good film, honestly, but it’s a good source of professionally shot footage starring real actors that you can both play with and legally release.
Video: A bunch of stop-motion examples
I never ended up actually showing these in the class I made them for, but here’s a bunch of examples of relatively simple stop-motion examples I made last year to show what you can just do for fun at your desk with basically nothing. I think they’re sort of charming.
the way the river flows
Inktober 2023: Annietober (Week One)
Having a go at Inktober this year. My self-enforced theme, ahead of actually showing you all Annie Forever, is, well, Annie. So here’s the first week of of Annietober.
Always to the best of my ability, with what whatever I had to hand.
When I went to get my phone there was only one.

And what’s on the ooother siiide